You are a powerful force

13 years ago

You are a force to be reckoned with. You have awesome potential. Unlimited - literally. The things you could do…

In hindsight – but NOW!

13 years ago

Remember back when you were in high school... knowing what you know now, what would you do differently if you…

Your Facebook status won’t change the world

13 years ago

When the world is going through troubled times we sit at home watching the news and we feel powerless to…

It’s strange what actually motivates people

13 years ago

This morning I overheard someone complaining about how the lady at the coffee shop was rude to them. They were…

A Round Tuit

13 years ago

When I was a kid my Dad had a round tuit. Heard of one before? It was an circular plaque…

The past does not equal the future

13 years ago

I used to work for a recruitment company and when interviewing candidates we always asked people for examples of how…

For the sake of it, or for a good reason?

13 years ago

Think about what you do in your day, the routines you go through, the good things and the bad -…

Book Review: Soul Survivor – The Reincarnation of a WWII Fighter Pilot

13 years ago

What an amazing story! A child, born to very traditional Christian parents, starts having memories of a past life as…

The one sure way to make your problems smaller

13 years ago

Simply become aware of the problems of others. Feeling sorry for yourself? Take a walk around the children's ward of…


13 years ago

CNN Heroes is a great place for inspiration. Narayanan Krishnan was on in 2010  and is an inspiring role model…